2016-2017 Adopted Budget
The Governing Board of Inglewood Unified School District will hold public hearing on the LCAP and the Budget of the District for F/Y 2016-2017, prior to final adoption as required by Education Code Section 42103 and 52062. The public hearings will be held at the District Office, Dr. Ernest Shaw Board Room on June 27, 2016, at 5:30 p.m. The public is cordially invited to attend this meeting.
Download (PDF, Unknown)
posted 5:00 p.m. 6/22/2016
Notice calling for proposals
- DSA Inspector notice to newspaper
- Special inspection and testing services notice
posted 5:00 p.m. 5/16/2016
Notice calling for proposals
- Notice calling for proposals for Special Inspection and Testing Services
- Notice calling for proposals for Division of State Architect Inspector
posted 4:00 p.m. 5/16/2016
The Inglewood Unified School District have a new update attached to exhibit A of our Prop 39 RFQ
Exhibit A of our Prop 39 RFQ pdf
posted 11:30 a.m. 5/3/2016
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Inglewood Unified School District, of Los Angeles County, California, acting by and through its State Administrator and Governing Board, hereinafter referred to as the District, will receive up to, but not later than 4:00 o’clock p.m. of the 13 day of May 2016, sealed Request for Qualifications (RFQ)/Request for Proposals (RFP) for the award of contract:
Click here for More information…
posted 1:00 p.m. 4/22/2016
Public Disclosure of Proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement
Proposed-Collective-Bargaining-Agreements pdf
posted 5:55 p.m. 4/8/2016
Public Disclosure of Proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement
AB 1200 Teachers Collective Bargaining Agreement Final 3-1-16.pdf
posted 8:30 p.m. 3/1/2016
Roof Repair/Replacement
Notice is hereby given, Inglewood Unified School District of Los Angeles County, California, acting by and through its State Trustee, will receive up to, but no later than Friday, March 18, 2016, at 10:00 a.m., sealed bids. Subject to conditions prescribed by the Inglewood Unified School District, bids are invited for the following work:
ROOF REPAIR/REPLACEMENT AT SIX (6) SCHOOL SITES – APPROX. 300,000 SQ FT Project No. 003/2015-2016 pdf

The Inglewood High School Marching Band joined Saturday’s festivities at Coleman Stadium
Caroline Coleman Field: Hours of Operation and Closure Schedule
The Inglewood Unified School District is committed to the health and fitness of its staff, students, and their families. Caroline Coleman Field, located next the IUSD Administrative offices and home field for Inglewood and Morningside High Schools, provides access each morning for the community to exercise and walk the track.
Open to the Public: Monday through Friday – 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
The remainder of the schedule is reserved for use by Inglewood Unified School District students, bands, and athletic teams, and not open to the public
Annual Legal Notice for Parents 2015/16 – English & Spanish pdf
- School/Community Relations Civility Policy BP 1310.1 and ARpdf
- Uniform Complaint Procedure (UCP) BP 1312.3pdf
- Uniform Complaint Procedure (AR)pdf
LAWA Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ for LAWA and non-LAWA work
- Will not having LAWA experience automatically disqualify me from the LAWA portion of work?
- Not having LAWA experience does NOT disqualify a firm from performing LAWA work.
- Do I have to submit two responses to be considered for LAWA and non-LAWA work?
- . Only one response is required. A firm’s response will automatically be considered for both scopes of work. If a firm does not wish to be considered for a particular scope, then the firm should indicate that on its application.
- Will covers, tabs, and resumes be considered towards the 30 page limit?
- . No, covers, tabs and resumes will not be counted against the 30 page limit.
- Is a State contractors’ license required to be considered?
- . No, it is not required, however, if the submitter has one then it should be listed as well as any her licensing that the submitter holds.
Construction Management Services: Insulation Projects (Closing Date: December 18, 2015)
The purpose of this advisement on the construction Management RFQ is to clarify that Section II Item 4 does not require the submitter to have a state contractors license to be considered; however, if the submitter has such then it should be listed as well as any other licensing that the submitter holds.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Inglewood Unified School District (“District”) is seeking Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) from qualified organizations to provide Construction Management services as outlined the RFQ for various upcoming construction, modernization and sound insulation projects that will be funded by the District’s Measure GG Bond that was approved by the voters and by the Los Angeles World Airports and/or the Federal Aviation Administration. It is the intent of the District to select one or two CM firms with proven experience in California public school construction.
Proposals must be received at the address listed below, in a sealed envelope with the name of the firm responding and the title “Request for Qualifications for Construction Management Services” on the outside, no later than 3:00 p.m., December 18, 2015.
Proposals received after the designated time and specified date will not be accepted and will be returned to the firm unopened.
A detailed RFQ may be obtained via the web at www.iusd.net
Bid#/15/16 – 001
RFP Network Upgrade for High School Density Wireless Network Update 8-10-2015
- IUSD RFP Network Upgrade pdf
- IUSD Bid Formspdf
- IUSD Bid Form Cost Phase 1 xlsx
- IUSD Bid Form Cost Phase 2 xlsx
- ADDENDUM 1 July 23, 2015 RFP Identifier: #002/2015-2016pdf
- ADDENDUM 2 July 24, 2015 RFP Identifier: #002/2015-2016pdf
- ADDENDUM 3 July 24, 2015 RFP Identifier: #002/2015-2016pdf
- ADDENDUM 4 August 10th, 2015 RFP Identifier: #002/2015-2016pdf
- ADDENDUM 5 August 11th, 2015 RFP Identifier: #002/2015-2016pdf
- Addendum 1 001.2015.16 ASES 7.6.2015 pdf 7-6-215
- 2015-16 Adopted Budgetpdf
- 2015-16 Assumptions Narrative_FINALpdf
- EPA PLAN 2015-16 Adopted Budgetpdf
- REU – 2015-16 Adopted Budgetpdf
- District Responses To Consultants RFIpdf
- Addendum 1 to RFQ for Architects_Engineerspdf
- Request for Qualifications for Architectural and Engineering Services.Finalized RFQ for Architectural Services for Measure GG Projectspdf The Inglewood Unified School District (“District”) intends to pre-qualify a limited number of Architecture Firms and/or full-service Engineering Firms (each, a “Consultant”) to provide architectural and/or engineering services to, and on behalf of, the District for various maintenance, modernization and/or new construction projects that will be funded by Measure GG approved by the voters within the District.
- Developer fees 2015 with mapspdf
- Inglewood Unified School District is seeking qualified, interested individuals to serve on a committee of community leaders which will serve as the independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee (“COC”) for the implementation of the District’s Measure GG school facilities bond program. More info:
INGLEWOOD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT APPLICATION FOR CITIZENS’ OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE pdf if you are interested in serving? If you wish to serve on this important committee, please review the committee bylaws for more information about the committee’s role and responsibilities and complete the attached application. Completed applications should be sent or faxed to the Office of Business Services of the Inglewood Unified School District by 4:00 PM on , May 15, 2015 - CITIZENS’ BOND OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE BYLAWS DOCSSF-#89750-v2-Bylaws_for_CBOC__Inglewood_USD_2012_GO_Bonds_ 1.7.15 pdf
- Public Notice of Vacancies to Advisory Board pdf
- 2013-14 Education ProtectionAccount Program by Resource Report pdf
- Notice of Proposed Adoption of a School Facilities Needs Analysis pdf