On Tuesday, September 13, FCMAT released its 2016 Progress Report for the Inglewood Unified School District. The full report can be found on the Inglewood Unified School District website by scrolling down and clicking on the FCMAT Reviews button. The review period took place from March 2016 through May 2016 and the report highlights progress made over the period from March 2015 through March 2016. The major highlights are the following:
- There was growth in all five areas of the district
- The Community Relations and Governance area grew a staggering 2.43 points growing from 1.35 to 3.78
- The Personnel Management area also demonstrated strong growth of 1.39 points growing from 2.61 to 4.0
- The Pupil Achievement area grew from 2.90 to 3.32. This equals almost a ½ point of growth (.42)
- The Financial Management area grew from 1.88 to 2.16 (.28)
- The Facilities Management area grew from 3.81 to 3.94 (.13)
- There are no areas under 2.0 with three areas at/or approaching a score of 4.0
- Our goal is to reach 5.0 in all standards and sustain that level of achievement until the target of 10.0 is met.
Specific comments from the report included:
- “There are signs of improvement. All five advisory board members enrolled in or completed the Masters in Governance program offered by the California School Boards Association (CSBA), this is commendable.”
- “The HR Department continues to develop, implement, and monitor the consistent application of written procedures on selection and hiring. Training related to selection procedures was provided to all hiring managers. The district continues to perform routine pre-employment testing of classified employees as a part of the selection process and has added numerous online trainings that are mandatory for all new employees.”
- “The district’s curriculum and instruction leader continues to work for change. The district has worked with the county office to provide training and support for implementing Academic Program Reviews and Instructional Rounds. The district’s professional development calendar shows that multiple trainings were offered to its instructional staff.”
- “The business division has focused much of their attention on understanding, evaluating and modifying existing processes and procedures for business office functions to improve efficiencies.”
As a district we are proud of the progress we have made, although we realize that we still have much growth in our future. We will continue to work hard to build capacity throughout all areas of the district. I also thank the teachers, classified employees, parents and community members for supporting the district and helping it move forward.” – Vincent Matthews, State Administrator